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Francois is a world class martial artist with an impressive background. He comes from a large family, all skilled in martial arts. He began his training at the age of 3 years, under the guidance of Japanese masters, also studied at the opera. In 1971, he was drafted into the the army in Africa, where was wounded. He became a prisoner of war for almost 6 months and was paralyzed. After his release, he spent 5 months in the VA hospital, and doctors told him that he would never walk again. He did not take those words to heart and aimed at one goal that would give him the opportunity to walk again. But with his own strength of spirit, he recovered and became a great martial artist, stunt coordinator and teacher. He now has the rank of Kai-Den Shihan. The highest title in Ninjitsu and a 7th degree black belt. Also a 7th degree black belt in Karate Do, and a 3rd degree black belt in Judo. Francois has performed in France, Italy and England. Was champion in full contact karate. Francois worked as a trainer and physical therapist for the wrestlers of WWF and taught martial arts at "Gold's Gym". In 2004 moved to Korea to improve his skills. Later moved to Spain, where he still teaches martial arts.